Bérangère Noyau — Bringing only good into the world
Bérangère Noyau creates unique ceramic homey objects that express her DNA —caring about others, and sharing love together.
—Why a house?
— We moved different countries quite a lot. I feel I’ve had several lives already. House means roots, family, love, protection, motherhood, children, and life and also a house that you can take with you. It’s like having all your family souvenirs together like a Mary Poppins bag in a shape of a house.
—How have you found your signature theme?
— I just love making them and they became my signature. I didn't overthink that, it just happened naturally. I don't remember thinking ‘I am going to make houses for the next 10 years’.
Bérangère used to work as a software engineer, a teacher of languages, and in marketing and communications. In 2008, she was self-employed and her clients lost their budgets for marketing, so she was out and that was the best opportunity to begin something new. Her friend was a ceramist and needed help. That's how it all started. Bérangère took a training which was taking more of her time and passion. ‘It began as a hobby that was turning into passion and passion was turning into an obsession’.

—How do you know when the object is done?
—When it represents what I had in mind. When I am happy. When it feels right.
— Do you make things that you don't’ like?
—No, I can’t do that. You can’t sell things you don’t like. I’ve also learned not to keep things that I don't like. If I don't like something when I am making it, that goes back to the recycling pot. We have to be aware of what we are making. You don't want to fire something that isn’t good, because it will stay forever and it will have its own life.
You don’t want to bring something that is not good.
Bérangère truly cares about others. Her motivation is for people to share love and good times together, share food and drinks. Her essence feels like home. By making these unique homey objects she is expressing love that she is to the world.